Minimizing Toxins Can Improve Health and Fertility

Uncategorized May 17, 2018

Minimizing Toxins in your system.  

You cannot completely avoid all of the chemicals that are around you day after day.  If you tried you would go crazy or would have to live in a bubble! But you can minimize the exposure to these substances. Here are a few examples of ways to decrease your exposure to chemicals that can contribute to chronic degenerative change in your cells.  And remember, the eggs, sperm, and endometrial lining are cells.

Eliminate voluntary toxins such as smoking or recreational drugs.  

This is a no brainer. These contribute significantly to poor cellular health.  Minimize or eliminate alcohol consumption. I usually recommend no more than 4 drinks per week spread throughout the week and no alcohol in pregnancy.  When drinking beer, choose the naturally brewed beers (it will say it on the label if it is). Go for organic wine if at all possible and remember to spread the consumption throughout the week.  Alcohol can have a negative impact on your glucose levels which effect insulin and can contribute to upsetting your delicate hormone balance. Dehydration is also an issue with too much alcohol.

 Do not warm up your food in a plastic container or do not store warm foods in the plastic containers until they have cooled.  Ask your take out restaurant if they have other containers besides the plastic ones. The reason is that many plastics, when heated, up can leech substances into your food called xeno estrogens. This can compete with the estrogen levels in your system contributing to disrupting your normal balance of hormones.  Men should heed this advice as well because they do not want to increase the amount of estrogen in their system. There is a proper balance between testosterone and estrogen in both men and women. Increased estrogen in males can contribute to female like characteristics such as breast formation and some studies surmise that low sperm count in overweight men may be due to increased levels of estrogen.

There are other tips about minimizing toxins and I will include these in the weeks to come.

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