Today's fertility tip was inspired by a conversation that I had with a woman after I presented my evening seminar, Fertility Secrets Revealed.
She was telling me about the side effects and horrible symptoms that she was having when taking the medication that her doctor had prescribed for her fertility issues.
They were causing significant side effects and making her feel extremely uncomfortable and when she approached her physician about it he simply said something to the effect that if she...
In a previous tip, I talked about the importance of remembering the possibilities i.e. the possibility that women may actually regenerate their eggs and not only have a limited supply (Harvard Study March 2004).
When you are experiencing difficulty with fertility your life becomes filled with apparent limitations. We discussed the whole running out of egg theory, or maybe you are dealing with a low sperm count, recurrent miscarriages, unexplained infertility, secondary...
In the US, Thanksgiving was just celebrated. This is a time when people eat a lot of turkey but hopefully take some time to reflect on what they are thankful for in their lives. It parallels what I talk about in the tips about looking at your life right now and being grateful for what you have instead of just focusing on what you lack. Focusing on what you lack can create anxiety, a feeling of separateness, depression, feeling out of control and in some cases feeling less...
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