In other tips I have talked about shifting focus to help improve your fertility. Many times you will find yourself focusing on the limitations of the situation or what you lack and this can have a negative effect on your physiology. Today I want to explain this a bit more to drive home how important the subject of focus is in regards to your fertility.
When a person is completely problem focused (what is wrong with me?, Why can't I have a child?, What is the problem with me?, I am infertile...
Today's fertility tip was inspired by a conversation that I had with a woman after I presented my evening seminar, Fertility Secrets Revealed.
She was telling me about the side effects and horrible symptoms that she was having when taking the medication that her doctor had prescribed for her fertility issues.
They were causing significant side effects and making her feel extremely uncomfortable and when she approached her physician about it he simply said something to the effect that if she...
I thought you would be interested in a comment by Dr. Deepok Chopra who was the head Endocrinologist at a Boston Medical Centre and who now practices Ayurvedic medicine. In an interview with Dr. Wayne Dwyer, Dr. Chopra talked about what significance having thoughts such as "running out of time" can have on your body. This, as you can imagine, is a common belief among couples dealing with fertility issues. I even here this from 20 year olds who are trying to become pregnant.
Before I send the fertility tips I review in my mind all of the patients that I have seen over the last week. I listen to many men and women who are feeling desperate, anxious, depressed, scared, guilty, angry, sad and ______. I am sure you can fill in the blank. What I ask myself is what have they told me they need or that they lack and then I transfer this information to them and to you.
This week the word support just kept going through my head....
This week the word support just kept going through my head. I see that women and sometimes men who are experiencing fertility issues, many times, are not supported very well. This isn't the case for everyone. I certainly do see couples that really see the importance and significance of being, "in this together". And if you are in one of those couples, stop reading this tip right now and go and give your partner a big kiss and hug because you are very fortunate to have their support.
For those...
In the last few weeks I discussed anger and sadness and have gotten a heap of feedback. Most were saying they felt better knowing they weren't alone and can see the benefit in letting these emotions go. Keep in mind however that any negative emotion that you feel is important because it has a message for you. So allow yourself some time to go over the steps in these tips to get the message you are sending yourself thru the emotions that you experience.
Today we are going to...
First I wanted to share with you some interesting info about a hormone that is not considered hardly at all when investigating fertility issues, but recent studies have shown that it certainly plays a role in your fertility. The hormone is called leptin which was only discovered recently in 1994. I know I am getting old when 11 years ago seems recent!! :)
Leptin was shown in a small study from Harvard Medical School (sept 2004) to have a positive effect on resetting the female...
Let's continue our discussion on Anger and Fertility. Anger is a stimulant emotion. By this I mean it revs your body up. You tend to clench your teeth, tighten muscles, and some even get red in the face. Anger is normal and we all experience it. The problem comes in when we hold on to it.
As I have said previously many times, it is important to understand that it is okay to experience any negative emotion, including anger. Any negative emotion is just trying to...
Well, I can honestly say I do not know anyone going through fertility issues that has not experienced this emotion. So you are not alone.
Is it normal to feel sadness? Absolutely. The idea of having a child goes along with one of human beings most basic needs. All of us at some level want to be able to express our potential. Having a child is one way to express our human potential. And it is important to remember however that it is not the only way to express...
As you can imagine, this is a very personal decision for each couple. But many times I am asked, “Should we continue? Do you really think we still have a chance?” so I wanted to address this in a tip.
Most times, I cannot answer this very personal question, unless of course there is a specific diagnosis such as removal of the ovaries or if the female’s body seems to be progressing into perimenopause, because it truly is the couple’s decision.
Just a note...
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